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1st Jordan International Conference 2024

From June 5 to 7

Maldonado Space, Madrid

Structural causes and possible solutions
from the dialogue of theology with other disciplines. 

"Work to heal the wounds"

Enric Puiggròs, sj

Provincial Society of Jesus - Spain


Interdisciplinary View

The numerous abusive situations (authority, conscience, sexual, etc.) detected in the ecclesial environment and its way of functioning, have led to considering the existence of abusive dynamics and structures that need to be deactivated.


The contributions of the “Jordan” academic research project have focused on the interdisciplinary dialogue, in which theology has a marked presence, between the research staff and the victims, perpetrators and members of the institution, to develop proposals for prevention and healing, seeking to contribute to the generation of a culture of good treatment and an ethics of pastoral conduct in the Church.


In this context, we celebrate this International Congress  "Abuse in the Church: structural causes and possible solutions from the dialogue of theology with other disciplines". A conference that, from a scientific dimension, aims to try to academically discern both the theological structural causes of abuse and its possible ways of reduction from this theological approach in dialogue with other disciplines.


Thus, from this interdisciplinary perspective in which theological reflection is placed at the center, as the backbone of the dialogue, we present this congress as academic and scientific meeting point and work forum to seek proposals for good institutional practices that avoid abuse in any of its manifestations (authority, conscience, sexual, etc.), delving into the image of God, ecclesiology, the understanding of obedience, spiritual narratives, etc.


The Congress, co-financed by Porticus Iberia, is organized around three thematic blocks:

1.     Abuse and power: theological perspective

2.     Ecclesiastical relations and structural dimension of abuse

3.     Proposals for a hopeful future


These thematic blocks make up the common thread of the plenary sessions in the mornings, which will be broadcast by webinar for registrations that are made online. The congress broadens its perspective without losing focus during the afternoons with a double dynamic: communications and itineraries (these will not be broadcast in the webinar). The communications open continue and delve into particular aspects of the morning's theme. The itineraries They will be work spaces coordinated by members of the Jordán research team who, after a brief presentation, will ask questions that address the specific topic, energizing group work. On the last day, the main conclusions or focuses of interest from the different itineraries will be collected.

Researchers in the theological area related to the abuse of power, in any of its manifestations (consciousness, authority, sexual, etc.) or people who research from various fields this topic in the Church or in another area of society.

It is open to the participation of other profiles committed to overcoming abuse in the church:

  • Victims associations

  • Persons in charge of victim assistance offices

  • Protection/safeguarding delegates

  • People who work with vulnerable groups, such as children

  • Care professionals

  • Mediation professionals and facilitators

  • Socio-cultural dissemination entities

  • Media and communication agencies


We count on you



Honorary Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Damián Guillermo Astigueta, sj (Pontifical Gregorian University)

Prof. Dr. Ana María de Celis Brunet (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

Prof. Dr. Véronique Claire Gauthier De Lecaros De Cossio (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margit Eckholt (Professor of dogmatics with fundamental theology, Osnabrück University)

Prof. Dr. María Rosaura González Casas (Pontifical Gregorian University)

Prof. Dr. Bradford Hinze (Fordham University)

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Daniel Medina (Santa María de los Buenos Aires Catholic University, Argentina)

Prof. Dr. Carolina Montero Orphanopoulos (Silva Henríquez Catholic University)

Prof. Dr. Mª Elena Olmos Ortega (University of Valencia)

Prof. Dr. Jorge Úbeda (Complutense University of Madrid)

Executive Scientific Committee

President: Prfª. Dr. Sandra Racionero Plaza


Prof. Dr. Virginia Cagigal de Gregorio (Comillas Pontifical University)

Prof. Dr. Miguel Campo Ibáñez (Comillas Pontifical University)

Prof. Dr. Jonatan Caro Rey (Deusto University)

Prof. Dr. Julio Martínez Martínez (Comillas Pontifical University)

Prof. Dr. Nurya Martínez-Gayol Fernández (Comillas Pontifical University)

Prof. Dr. Oriol Quintana Rubio (IQS)

Prof. Dr. María Prieto Ursúa (Comillas Pontifical University)


Prof. Dr. José Luis Sánchez-Girón Renedo (Comillas Pontifical University)

Organizational Committee

President: Prof. Dr. Valeska Ferrer Used

Prof. Dr. Ianire Angulo Ordorika (Loyola Andalusia University)

Prof. Jorge Canarias Fernández-Cavada (Deusto University)

Prof. Dr. Cristina Pena Mardaras (Deusto University)

Prof. Dr. Carmen Peña García (Comillas Pontifical University)


Prof. Dr. Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao (Comillas Pontifical University)


Power and Abuse

Theological perspective

Interdisciplinary View

Wednesday June 5

9h: Accreditations

9.30h: Presentation
of Conference in charge of: 

  • Provincial of the Society of Jesus, Enric Puiggròs sj.

  • PCCP Coordinator, John Guiney sj.

  • Jordán Project Coordinator, Prof. PhD. Valeska Ferrer.

10.30h: Clues for a healthy exercise of power. Prof. PhD. Gabino Uríbarri sj.

12h: Rest

12:30h: Spiritual abuse in the Church. Prof. PhD. Mª Dolores López.

14h: Lunch

16h: Communications

17.30: Rest

18h: Itineraries

19.30h: End of the day


Relationships and structural dimension

Interdisciplinary View

Thursday June 6

9h: Abuses as a structural reality in the Church. Prof. PhD. Diego Molina sj.

10.30 h:
Facing structures of violence. Prof. PhD. Suzanne Mulligan.

12h: Rest

12.30h: Round Table. Reflection on structural elements of sexual abuse, authority and conscience in the Church. They intervene:

  • Prof. PhD. Julián C. Ríos.

  • Prof. PhD. Cecilia Martínez.

  • Prof. PhD. José Luis Sánchez-Girón.

Chair: Ms. Mª  Ángeles López Romero.

14h: Lunch

16h: Communications

17.30h: Rest

18h: Round Table. Experiences of intervention and care for victims. They intervene:

  • Prof. PhD. Mª Teresa Compte.

  • Prof. PhD. Daniel Portillo.

  • Ms. Teresa Devlin.

Chair: Prof. PhD. Virginia Cagigal. 

19.30: End of the day

20h: Eucharist

21h: Dinner

Future proposals

Interdisciplinary View

Friday June 7

9h: Social impact actions to overcome abuses. Prof. PhD. José Ramón Flecha.

10.30h: Open avenues for the prevention of abuses from Canon Law. Prof. PhD. Linda Ghisoni.

12h: Rest.


12.30h: Looking into the future: Promotion of a Consistent Culture of Protection. Prof. PhD. Sandra Racionero.

14h: Closing of the Congress by:

  • Prof. PhD. Ana García-Mina. Delegate of Jesuit Universities of Spain (UNIJES)

  • Hon. and Rev. Archbishop of Madrid José Cobo.

El contrato

They intervene

The Jordan Project team thanks each researcher for accepting to participate in this Congress. Knowing the work that each and every one of them does, we are convinced that their participation will be a great opportunity to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge, helping to make the Congress memorable for the participants. 

Simultaneous interpretation is available:
English-Spanish / Spanish-English.


Research lines proposed

1. Ecclesial culture and abuse. Symbolic and cultural elements that justify or legitimize abuse, together with proposals and interventions aimed at reducing the problem. Examples:

  • Cultural violence, enabling and legitimizing abuse 

  • Certain images of God, of the priest as a representative of God...

  • Some understanding of spiritual direction

  • Certain conception of obedience

  • Dichotomies: sacred/profane

  • Bad theologies of suffering

2. Ecclesial structure and abuse. Structural elements in ecclesial relations that enable or conceal abuse along with proposals and interventions aimed at reducing the problem. Examples:

  • Forms of clericalism

  • Deficiencies in Canon Law and/or State Law or in its application

  • Poor management of asymmetric relationships

  • Poor understanding and implementation of the hierarchical structure of the Church


For acceptance of Communications is required:
1.    Reflective and critical proposals along the lines proposed by Congress
2.    A document must be sent that allows the evaluation process:

  • Title and subtitle

  • 500 word summary: objectives, main content and conclusions

  • Academic references on which the work is based

  • Supported languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese

Important dates

  • Proposal submission communications up to March 31, 2024.

  • The acceptance or not of the communications sent will be communicated between April 1 and 20.

  • Once the communication is accepted, the authors who wish to present their candidacy for publication they must send a draft of the complete text (between 2500 and 5000 words). Submission deadline: May 31.

  • Once the communication is accepted for publication and after the feedback obtained at the congress, the authors will deliver the text complete in accordance with the precise editorial instructions of Tirant lo Blanch. Deadline: June 28.


The itineraries that we present address the lines of research from different disciplines. Each participant when registering, you will select the itinerary in which you wish to participate. The work on the itineraries will extend over the two afternoons of the congress, to allow for in-depth study and exchange on the different topics.

1.    Itinerary: Ecclesial culture and abuse. Symbolic and cultural elements that justify or legitimize abuse along with proposals and interventions aimed at reducing the problem.
−    Theological-spiritual
−    Legal-canonical
−    Psychology and sociology
−    Organizational Ethics

2.    Itinerary: Ecclesiastical structure and abuse. Structural elements in ecclesial relations that enable or conceal abuse along with proposals and interventions aimed at reducing the problem.
−    Theological-spiritual

−    Legal-canonical

−    Psychology and sociology

−    Organizational Ethics


Open until May 15, 2024

Ordinary registration: 125 €

Registration for UNIJES teachers: 100 €

Student registration: 80 €

Webinar registration: 40 €


In-person registration at the Congress

includes catering.

Meals: days 5 and 6

Mid-morning coffee: days 5, 6 and 7

Mid-afternoon coffee: days 5 and 6

Dinner: day 6

They organize

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