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I Jordan International Conference 2024

"As the Company of Jesus we define our mission as a mission of reconciliation"

Enric Puiggròs, sj 

Provincial Society of Jesus - Spain


It is a scientific research project on the structural causes of abuse of power (conscience, authority, sexual, etc.) within the Catholic Church, from a theological-spiritual perspective.


Commissioned by the Provincial of the Society of Jesus in Spain to UNIJES (Jesuit Universities Spain) in 2020, is co-financed by Porticus.

It is framed in the ecclesial context of research promoted by Pope Francis in 2018 when he considered the sexual abuse of minors as the visible face of a structural problem of the church.

The Society of Jesus, in its GC36 (2019) included in its Second Apostolic Preference (Walking with the excluded) its commitment to work in this field. Since that same year, the Province of Spain began its work on intervention and prevention of abuses through its Safe Environment System.


With the Jordán project, he takes another step in the academic field. Starting from theological reflection, its objective is focused on detect abusive systemic dynamics to help deactivate them, as well as the emotional, structural, institutional and legal needs that beat at the bottom of the abuses. From a dialogue between the research staff and the victims, perpetrators and members of the institution, he wants develop proposals for prevention and healing based on evidence. And with this, contribute to generating a culture of good treatment and an ethic of pastoral conduct in the Church.

Cruces Blancas





El día 10 de mayo de este 2024, la investigadora Marie Curie Skłodowska, Ana Vidu, presentó en la Universidad de Deusto los resultados del proyecto europeo UniswithHeart, sobre mecanismos de apoyo a las víctimas de acoso sexual en las universidades.

A este acto fue invitada, para la conferencia inaugural, la Dra. Valeska Ferrer Usó, investigadora principal del proyecto Jordán. En su conferencia destacó el compromiso de la Compañía de Jesús en la superación de los abusos, tanto a nivel de la Compañía Global con el proyecto de la PCCP, liderado por John Guiney y la Dra. Sandra Racionero, como en la Provincia de España con el Proyecto de investigación académica Jordán y el Sistema de Entorno Seguro, basándose en las evidencias científicas de impacto social sobre este tema.

Tuvo el privilegio de compartir mesa con la Decana de Derecho de Deusto, la Dra. Gema Tomás, y el primer autor del mundo en la categoría de “violencia de género” en los rankings internacionales, el Dr. Ramón Flecha. También intervino el prof. Michael Burawoy de la Universidad de California-Berkeley. Se subrayó el trabajo realizado a lo largo de las últimas décadas por el centro de investigación CREA, en el que se ha formado la investigadora Ana Vidu, y que ha desembocado en legislación tanto a nivel nacional como autonómico en este tema tan importante.

Fue un acto de gran relevancia por lo que supone la visibilización y abordaje de los abusos y el acoso sexual en las universidades y otros ámbitos de la sociedad. Tanto el rector de Deusto, Juan José Etxeberria, que introdujo el acto,  como la vicerrectora de Comunidad Universitaria y Agenda 2030, Aitziber Irigoras, apoyaron este acto con su presenci.

Jordán en Panamá

The Jordán project has participated, through its coordinator, Prof. PhD. Valeska Ferrer, in the III Latin American Congress "Vulnerability and abuse: Towards a broader view of prevention" , which took place in Panama City on the 12th , March 13 and 14, 2024.

The Congress organized by CEPROME together with the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM) and the Archbishopric of Panama has been a success of teamwork.

The almost 400 participants have been able to access quality training thanks to the participation of top-level lecturers in the field of abuse of power in the Church. In addition to the training and the possibility of sharing projects and learning, both a Eucharist and a prayer and celebration of life were held.

It has been a great wealth to be part of a living community of learning in which victims, lay people committed to prevention and the creation of a culture of good treatment, religious men and women, bishops, archbishops and cardinals have walked together; a whole model of working together on an equal footing.

Image by Christian Lue

"No one who has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under the bed, but puts it on the candlestick so that those who enter can see the light. For there is nothing hidden that will not be discovered, nor anything secret that not become known and made public"

(Lk 8,16-17)

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